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chit chat

May 20, 2012
25 years have passed... i thought a lot today... about every ‘coming’ and every ‘leaving’.
About how many gift i had and how many lost i got. I thought about happiness too... a little about sad parts, coz i mostly remembered about every bday that i’ve been through... with different people... different places... and lots of happiness...

But that joys have already lessened these years... there has no more big party and stuffs... yeah, when u’re growing up, many things changed rite? so i’ve been prepared my heart from loneliness...
Ahhh... this year is become my most ‘quite’ bday so far... haha...
As u know, i’ve been isolated from my comfort zone... soooo far away from home.

My phone is full of congratulations and hopes... most of u want me to get married... *grrrr

But I’m so grateful^^

For all my friends and my family... thanks 4 remembering my bday... i know u want to share this day with me so much... but this year, time and distance become our enemy. So...

I’m fine. Even there’s no tart as i always had. But it’s ok... as i said before... i’m prepared.

Big love and kiss 4 u all...

1 comment:

  1. barakallahu fii umrik..;) semoga segala keinginan dan cita-cita terkabul..^^
