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chit chat

Apr 14, 2012
Ada kutipan lagu yang bikin saya mrinding “there is someone who loves u more than herself...”

Yang pertama kali melintas di pikiran saya adalah...
how dare someone is so irresponsible with herself???!!!
I don’t understand why people have been so touched for something like this.

Kata guru agama saya, menyayangi sesuatu atau seseorang harus secukupnya, tidak berlebihan. Well, sebenernya bukan karna nurutin guru agama saya sih,,, but it’s true. cos everything bout people are dissapointing. People are capable to make u feel happy, but they’re also talented to make u feel sad.
Tapi kadang... perasaan2 yang menyedihkan itu malah bikin seseorang sadar tentang nilai seseorang ato sesuatu.
Still... dont ever love someone that much. It’s not good 4 ur health.

Let say,
I’ll love u as much as u do
I’ll protect u as could as u do
I’ll stay beside u as long as u do
But since we both are human being, then
I’m not perfect, so aren’t u
I’ll definitely make mistakes, so will u
I’ll make u happy, sad, and angry, so will u
But whenever we start this journey, we’ll give part of each others that we know we could break
And everything we’ll get through would left memories, and we’ll always be that part of memories that will always remain in our hearts as a precious life... no matter what.

It’s not being romantic at all, it’s just being realistic.

Bob Marley once said “because perfect person doesn’t exis, but there’s always one person that is perfect 4 u”

Good day everyone =)

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