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chit chat

Apr 17, 2012
the other ordinary night...

me, musics, and stack of tasks that haven't done yet. well, maybe i'm too lazy as always...

then i'm alone.

and i considerably and passionately think to... buy a cat! hehe

hmmm... i wonder, why am i like this? crawling in my way, making friend with loneliness, and still surviving.

I really wanna hear something from my beloved parents...
anyway, i realized they never said like that even for once.
‘i’m proud of u, sinta’
like that.

I don’t wanna be just another girls that ended with marying a good person, then left their family to live happily ever after. no offense.

But so many people don’t get it, right? They’re always asking that annoying question. Can’t they see that i did everything to make my family proud of me? Not as a married person, but as their little daughter.

Why everything seems so easy to others, but it’s so damn difficult to me?
ah,,, maybe i’m too selfish.

but yesterday my dad called. he said 'u should continue for everything u've started' 
it's not common for him to directly say something like 'i'll support u, daughter'
hehe... but i'm relieved. 

ah... it's gonna be another mellow's nite for me...
keep dreaming guys. but don't forget to do ur best effort^^


  1. i know its hard to live in such country with its all culture : must marry someone at the age of bla bla bla... just be yourself. the time would come gal :)

  2. how about my cat-will-be al? =D

    yuhu... let's do our best! sometimes we have to close our eyes to hear what our heart says. but sometimes we have to close our eyes to sleep =))
