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chit chat

Jan 29, 2012
well, welcome to my new template.
the older one was broken, so i have to change it. sooooooooo how is it? *bite nails
eniwei, saya lagi seneng banget sama lagu westlife "safe"
saya baru tau lagu ini gara2 maenan android temen saya. i found it in a stack of songs =D
it's one of original soundtracks of Dolphin Tale.
so, let's check this song:

vid from here
oh i do wish there is someone say this to me.
funny thing is, there were olweys just me cheering up myself when i'm down.
bukan berarti saya ga punya teman atau seseorang saat itu. i had them around, but when you're down, sometimes u ended up alone rite?
sepertinya takdir membuatmu merasakannya sendiri. no matter how loud you were screaming...

so girls, if u had someone that always there when you're screwed. that someone deserve better than just a friend.

saya mo jalan-jalan dulu... with my bestfriend.
gud day everyone ;)


  1. wuih.. template baru..
    makan makan ra ta.. hhe
    simple gini bagus. kopi, cangkir, surat, pena, kereen.. tapi koin ne wagu..

  2. dolanane canggih (android), tp muter lagune boyband jadul (weslife) =,="

  3. hahahaha... gapapa lah lev... recehan menandakan orang suka beramal *ngarang

    lagu baru itu ya.... walopun bandnya udah bubar barisan =D
